
Pinhole Talk

Am fost invitat, de către cei ce aduc Photo Romania Festival la Timișoara, sa vorbesc despre ceea ce fac din pasiune: fotografie alternativa. Asa ca, in urma cu câteva ore am avut ocazia sa stam intr-un loc fain si sa trecem in revista aspecte generale despre fotografia cu stenopa. Nu am spus tot ce as fi…
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Pinhole Digital – consideratii pro

In ceea ce priveste fotografia pinhole, pot spune ca in general se disting 3 ramuri principale, functie de tipul suportului fotosensibil folosit. In clasificarea de mai jos voi folosi atat timpul de impresionare cat si feedbackul primit in procesul fotografic, pentru a segrega modalitatile prin care se poate capta imaginea: 1 - LENT Aici intra suporturile de genul hartie…
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light play

PENTRU VERSIUNEA IN ROMANA APASA AICI Not long ago I dedicated a few afternoons experimenting with light, in order to understand how it behaves in a camera obscura. The initial attempts can be seen here. The results of those tests derived in a series of practical, applicable results in pinhole calibration and can be followed here. For the last…
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various pinholes – a test

PENTRU VERSIUNEA IN ROMANA APASA AICI After the experiment on which I wrote here earlier, the one where I was able to watch and enjoy the duality of light as particle or wave, I tried to understand the way in which the diffraction pattern is influenced by the type of pinhole and it's creation. I…
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Light, diffraction, pinhole and a laser

PENTRU VERSIUNEA IN ROMANA APASA AICI Light is for any photographer, a fascinating environment. I'm not the only one who is amazed at how a picture is composed and broken down, so I decided to try to understand more closely what happens in a camera. Last year, I had the opportunity to experiment direct with light, when…
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