snowy trees
Trees, snow and a deep blue sky. Digital panoramic pinhole images taken at the top of mountain Semenic. Exposure: 1 second…
30 minutes of delights, at Brosov/Kronstadt. I used Fomapan 100 Classic 120 Roll Film with my RealitySoSubtle 6×17. f/233, pinhole…
15 seconds of history, at Delphi. I used Fomapan 100 Classic 120 Roll Film with my RealitySoSubtle 6×17. f/233, pinhole…
Plai X – digilogic harmony
15 seconds of posing for the pinhole shoot, with the digital crew, at the Plai X festival. I used Fomapan 100…
… From Within
15 minutes of remembering a not so distant past. I used Fomapan 100 Classic 120 Roll Film with my Holga.…
Dominique and the Danube
A slow and delightful walk on the Donauinsel led to this image showing DC Towers I, built by Dominique Perrault Architecture…
Imperial view
Schloß Schönbrunn with it's exquisite park system and breathtaking beauty - always a good destination. Fomapan 100 Classic 120 Roll…
Viena Pinhole Trip 1
A short trip with friends. Vienna is on my list for pinhole pictures! I used Fomapan 100 Classic 120 Roll…